Is Pilates beneficial for Parkinson's? as at 16 October 2024, using studies published since 2020
Pilates appears to be beneficial for individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), offering improvements in various physical and cognitive aspects.
Key Benefits of Pilates for Parkinson's Disease
Physical Improvements
Lower Limb Strength and Gait Speed: Pilates, especially at high intensity, significantly improves lower limb strength and gait speed in PD patients. 1
Muscle Strength and Range of Motion (ROM): Pilates enhances muscle strength and ROM, contributing to better physical function. 2
Core Muscle Endurance and Thickness: Pilates training increases the thickness of core muscles (transversus abdominis and internal obliques) and improves core endurance. 3
Balance and Postural Control: Pilates significantly improves static and dynamic balance, as well as postural control, which are critical for reducing fall risk in PD patients. 4, 5, 6, 8
Gait Performance: Pilates training enhances gait speed and stability, even under dual-task conditions, which simulates real-life scenarios where PD patients are at higher risk of falling. 5
Cognitive and Non-Motor Benefits
Cognitive Function: Mind-body exercises, including Pilates, have been shown to improve cognitive performance in older adults, suggesting potential benefits for cognitive impairment in PD patients. 10
Quality of Life: While Pilates improves general clinical aspects of PD, its impact on overall functionality and quality of life requires further investigation. 9
Conclusion Pilates is a promising non-pharmacological intervention for individuals with Parkinson's disease, offering significant improvements in physical strength, balance, gait, and potentially cognitive function. These benefits make Pilates a valuable addition to the rehabilitation strategies for managing Parkinson's disease.
References 1. Cardalda, I., Oliveira, I., Suárez, H., & Carral, J. (2023). Is high intensity Pilates exercise treatment beneficial for people with Parkinson´s disease?. Retos.
High-intensity Pilates exercise significantly improves lower limb strength and gait speed in Parkinson's disease patients.
2. Bazyar, H., Marandi, S., & Chitsaz, A. (2022). Assessing the Effect of 12 Weeks of Pilates and Aquatic Exercise on Muscle Strength and Range of Motion in Patients with Mild to Moderate Parkinson’s Disease. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine.
Pilates and aquatic exercises significantly improve muscle strength and range of motion in male patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease.
3. Göz, E., Özyürek, S., Aktar, B., Çolakoğlu, B., & Balcı, B. (2023). The effects of Pilates training on abdominal muscle thickness and core endurance in patients with Parkinson's disease: a single-blind controlled clinical study.. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 53 4, 990-1000 .
Pilates training improves core endurance and muscle thickness in Parkinson's disease patients, with benefits persisting up to three months after training.